I just saw "Lord of War" and I think it's a great movie. The reviews are correct; the message is as subtle as a punch to the stomach. War is Bad. The movie itself was affecting, but worse was people's reactions to portions of the film. A man gets shot in the head, and people laugh. There have been many moments in movies where I'm in the audience and some people have laughed at what are pretty un-funny things.

I'm not talking about not getting a joke, or even some of the more extreme gross-out comedies. You guys can have your movies like Van Wilder where part of the plot is tricking a fraternity to eat dog semen. I mean maybe that's an awesome joke in your group of friends, and every comedy has its base, so to speak, and I think it's wrong to eat that sort of thing but it's a difficult sort of moral soapbox. People have the right to think that's funny, sure. But when the culture misfires and starts conditioning us to laugh at a guy geting shot in the forhead (and I'm serious - no humor was intended in that scene, ugh), I mean, come on, team!.

Guys, c'mon, seriously.

2005-09-17 at 9:44 p.m.