I'll be invisible all the time.

"Maybe there's a ceremony

written down inside the body.

Maybe no one

maybe no one

ever sees." -Rainer Maria

"You came like a lion

and you left like a lamb."

-same band.

It's a new CD I've picked up (quite literally, since I have as much money as a man without any sort of cash. That's like a metaphor. That means that I don't have any money at all), and it's great. The gir's voice, while not an all-powerful tremor of vocal skills, is just emo and raw enough to make me want to take her to Water World and make out with her under the waterfalls in the Kiddie Park section.

Should I start a music selection thing? A "song of the month"? Well, first off, if one song lasts a month, that's only 12 songs a year: unacceptable. More importantly, no one reads this. So who cares? Fine. Fine. Today's entry song is "Ceremony" by Rainer Maria.

I'm reading "Glamorama" by Brett Easton Ellis and it's great. A scathing commentary on being a celebrity and fame, until halfway through the book the storyline jizzes postmodernism all over itself and the plot takes a bizzare "film within a life" idea. It's very hard to explain. heh. But this is from the man who brought us "American Psycho", so it's rather easy to see that he's a skilled writer, although slightly twisted. But that's how we like 'em.

Also reading inbetween "Glamorama":

Written on the Body - Jeanette Winterson. It's a genderless narrater, which is a nifty idea to pull off. It works thus far, although "The Passion" was excellent.

Re-reading the Tao Te Ching. Can't hurt.

A smattering of Robbins novels. "Still Life With Woodpecker" is my favorite, though.

And I like puppies.

and unicorns.

I want a pony.


2002-06-09 at 12:46 a.m.