Well, ladies and gentlemen, in a series of minutes, I'll be heading out to the Ogden Theater to see the Best Band EVER, Sigur Ros. People have hugged me on the streets, then intensely gazing into my eyes, saying: "You... you are SO LUCKY." Children have run in droves around me, clapping, skipping, giggling and laughing with excitement that I'll be able to see the Best Band Ever. Confetti rained from the sky this morning, and the president called just to tell me to have a good time, and that I was an excellent representation of morals from the united states. I asked him if he was going to bomb Iraq: he just laughed and laughed, before the laughter started echoing and dropping in pitch, and then he hung up. I... I just don't know.

I'M GOING TO GO SEE SIGUR ROS. I'm wearing a fake mustache and a silver jacket from the Future. I don't even know why you all bother reading this, since you won't be at a concert at all. I'm going to go hug all the emo girls and cry with all the emo guys and talk it up with other pretentious music snobs. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN.

I'll be going with my friend Chris, who I met in Italy I miss Italy blar blar etc I would write more, as I am always capable of on that topic, but, uh, I don't think you want to hear about it. But I miss Italy. And people from it. And my dog.

(but she's burned; a bag of ashes in my backyard, so what can you do?).



I guess that could be a Sigur Ros lyric. Too bad that they make much better music, though, than your favorite band.

2002-11-16 at 6:31 p.m.