news, news, news.

A new layout! Let me know what you think. The quote is from Jeff Buckley's beautiful notes on the inside of the very radSketches for my Sweetheart The Drunk. It reads "When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been all of worth, ever."

I realized that my bitterness towards Valentine's Day was sort of pointless. Once the day rolled around, I waited for the giant weight of being single on a day of companionship to hurl itself at me like a rabid badger and just start going to town on my self-esteem, but that didn't happen. Instead, there was a woman playing a harp in the student union building, people wandering around with flowers, and three people dressed in pink, giving away Free Hugs. After my obligatory hug, I felt pretty darn good. You can dislike being single but disliking the theory of love is something else entirely. And I can't do it, because I'm a romantic dork who writes love poems even when he's single.

But I was ready to be bitter. Oh yes. But I'm glad it didn't happen. There are days where it seems that everyone is in love except for me, but those days come and go.

Of course, I still don't have a girlfriend, so any rad girls reading this can send me an email. The application process is open for two weeks and will be screened by experts. Do not fear it, but embrace the challenge.

I've been getting into a lot of hardcore like Glassjaw and Refused, and it's quite a ton of energy. At the same time, I'm listening to classical Brodsky at the moment. This is to assure you all that I'm not going to go off the deep end and kill my roommates with forks.

...OR AM I?


2003-02-15 at 8:05 p.m.