Ems! Ems Ems Ems!

This is an ode to Emily Berzin, who is quite possibly one of the more excellent people that I know. I suppose that I should start with crediting her with some of the coolest hair ever. No one else in this brave world (that I've met) has the power, the patience, the sheer audacity to have tiny twin pigtails. If I was lost in a crowd, I usually would search for them, as they bobbed about like two twin beacons.

Ems is also damn smart. She attends the prestigious Wellesley University, home of academic excellence and, at times, bitter women who get a bit irritated about being around their own gender all day, every day, without a boy in sight. I can relate, as I went to an all-boys high school. It's a good thing Ems doesn't attend a mixed university, though - she wouldn't learn anything except how to ignore the swarm of boys that would follow her.

Ems is one of the most honestly nice people that I've met in my lifetime. Way inviting, and once you know her, it's even better. Like a hot tub! Or a crisp apple.

Ems is a feminist and studying it in college, which is yet another reason why she takes my world, grabs it, shakes it so all the spare change falls out of it, and then gathers the money and goes and buys someone something nice. And there's some fine pictures of us from Italy. Is Ems photogenic? You bet. And by "photogenic", I mean "looks good in photographs", which could be translated to "looks good in real life" except that it isn't true, because she doesn't "look good": she looks hot. I would have taken more pictures of her during our stay in Italy, but the lens on my camera started to warp after I while from the sheer radiance of her. In some of the photos of her and I, it's me smiling next to a bright glow. Sometimes I say it was Jesus and I, but then people are more impressed when I say it was Ems, instead.

So in closing, this is a happy nod towards you, Ems. You brightened up my day every time I hung around you (ask anyone: it's really, really hard to be angry around her), and I shall promptly buy you gelato or the equivilant next time we see each other. And we will. Hurrah! Love you, ma'am!


I am the number
I am friendly


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa

2003-02-23 at 8:31 p.m.