Jared Coughing

"Well, desire looks just like you with an Uzi-9.

Gunned down 15 bystanders in a roadside driveby.

Desire is a grassfire drinking gasoline."

-Soul Coughing, "Mr. Bitterness".

It should be apparent that Soul Coughing is the best band ever. What lyrics! What a rad blend of odd jazz and cartoon samples with hyperpoetic lyrics and great delivery! And all of this with an upright bass!

That upper part was dedicated to Mister John Kriq, who got me into Soul Coughing many years ago, en route to Boulder on a rainy day.

In 30 minutes I'll have my Aesthetic Theory class. It is, essentially, a time period where I can contemplate life, hit on Melati, and take inane quizzes from Nate like "70's Quiz: Who Was Cooler: A-Team or McGuyver?"

Today I'm going to eat Thai food, which will rock rock rock, since we've located a cheap and excellent place. After that, I was toying with the idea of accompanying Nate to his hut to play CAPCOM VS. MARVEL 2, where we'll play enough to unlock the characters IRON MAN and WAR MACHINE. Just those names in themselves should merit several hours of gaming.

Then, this evening, it's all about the academics. Perhaps some prodding at physics, but otherwise an assemblage of a soundtrack for my real-time poetry reading and then a 2-page quick summary of my previously-mentioned sculpture thinger of muses.

"In the dark your brain glows.

And it goes wayyoo-waayyoo-wayyuummm.

I know you're a super-genius.

Will you shoot the blue earth down?

In the space station, polishing the ray gun?"

-Soul Coughing, "Supra-Genius".


It's raining here and I'm sort of sad about that since school is winding down and the days should be just torched with sun. It feels like we're ending school in the fall, instead of the spring. Yes, yes, spring showers and all of that, but it's also cold. It makes it hard to get out of bed. That, or the equivilant of a beautiful naked girl in bed also. And physics directly after it, no less, which makes the mattress adhere to something with the strength of concrete.

"Uh zoom zip and I wake up.

Uh, Zoom, Zip.

Ummumm, and it hums like a migrane!

To the brain yet remaining but just

melancholy nonesense.

I crack nouns, brotherfuck the verb tense."

-SC, "Uh, Zoom Zip"

heh. And a rad bassline, too. I'm so glad I found this old CD, which is, by the way, "Ruby Vroom", which is Soul Coughing's first CD (and best). It came out in the mid-90's and no one had ever heard anything like it. The following is loyal, even though they've broken up. Fear it.

tiny lawnmower to mow me down.

I could get lost in a lunch box in-between the mittens in the lost and found,



2003-04-30 at 12:73 p.m.