
Woo, I just worked shift from 12:45 to 9:45 at a different store than mine, and then I work tomorrow at 7am. This job is ilke one giant shift with a nap in-between. heh. Lawdy. However, I have a gym membership, am bonding with my lovely co-workers, and am finally staying healthy and saving money. I have the faintest flicker that I'll update in a month and say that I haven't felt this good in years. My dog is awesome and Justin and I will be naming our fake movie crew "Lonesome Dog Productions" after him, as he is prone to sitting in the front yard, peacefully watching traffic. Until I come home and he goes apeshit. heh. Speaking of films, I finally saw the fruits of Justin's and my movie/labor of love called "The Deantrix", being a spoof of the Matrix for our marvelous friend Dean. The movie before this was "Dean Club", which was obviously a Fight Club parody. This one may top it. Oh, I love it all. happy, Mr. Jared

2004-03-28 at 11:05 p.m.