yep yep. yep yepyepyep.

Guy: "I just need something to wake me up. I dunno... what's good?"
Me, ever-attentive barista: "Well, blah blah drink."

He comes back a while later, meeting me halfway around the counter (we are not about to fight):

Guy: "Thanks for the drink. It was excellent. You were really helpful."
Me: "blar blar starbucks yep"
Guy:: "Are you locked into this job?"
Me:: "No, Starbucks gud but I'm working on getting into marketing blah blah hint drop."
Guy: "Well, I'm a marketing recruit for citibank. I think you'd be really good there. Here's my number!"
Me: "Fuckin' YES."

I didn't say that. But that's been the best, most left-field news in a while. Also, I'm going to the NIN show. I couln't get tickets for the first show (sorry, Melati) but it doesn't matter, I suppose.

I got to spend the evening with my closest friends from middle and elementary school the other night. A delicious trip through all of our stories.

My girl is in Arizona and I miss her. She comes back Tuesday and it shall be a joyful day. I also owe emails, and I'll get to them. It's a good day, girlfriend-absense aside. I miss the way she feels.

Cheer up, Erin. One day I'll shove you into the hopeless-romantic mindset and you'll wonder how there was ever any alternative.

stuttering jukebox nature,
music: soul coughing's rampant drum-and-bass final album. feeling: aww, all live-journal-y.

BONUS! Current picture, with my new faux-beard and faux-surprised look. Image hosted by

2005-03-06 at 11:07 a.m.