Running Dog's spirit says "buy me a tux".

I just got back from a run with Mr. Lucca. For those of you who don't know, this is the esteemed fellow who I enjoy spending time with, partially because of his class and sauveness but more for his "constant tuxedo" look:

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Pardon the bad webcam shot. I need a digital camera so I can start to document more visually, like my cohort Jeff. I could have showed you the waving fields of grain that Lucca and I ran through (before I thought it was a ruse, but it turns out to be true [it may have just been tall grass, instead of grain]).

I'm single again and the breakup was in no small way heartwrenching. I went to her house with our pre-meditated plan to finalize the breakup, and then, an hour later, we're just a mess. No one likes to say goodbye, especially to another person who you've so intimately shared a year with.

Although we did find out that we were wrong the whole time about when our anniversiary was. We thought it was May 13th, but it turns out that it's June 11th. Whoops.

We still talk and that's excellent, but I'm just not that certain about what to do. Blech. No one likes breakups.

Did I tell you that Trail of Dead's show in Boulder was THE BEST? Retiring Sigur Ros as the honorable mention, TRAIL OF DEAD @ THE FOX THEATER goes right to #1. What a fantastic show. I wish there were pictures somewhere.

I also saw Mike Doughty. To be exact, I saw him at the Thai food place that Justin and I and two other cohorts went to. He sauntered in with his keyboardist Handsome Dan and the girl who opened for him, Kelly Buchanan. I spoke to him for a moment of a post he made on the BBS, but just left him alone. Plus, I was there with Justin Ziccardi, and even if the Grand Price of Nepal were there asking me for an autograph, I'm afraid I'd have to side with Justin and snub the prince. Those of you who've met Justin can understand the situation.

Moving on, met some BBS folk at the show, got the "rock nod" from Mike when he played Your Misfortune like I had yelled earlier, and got him to sign some things. Shameless kissing girls, I imagine that man has a BOX O' TRICKS when it comes to WILY SEXUAL SHENANIGANS WITH THE LADIES. I'm serious, he seems sort of like a rock-slut. But I guess he's worked hard enough to get there.

I cannot think of more to add at the moment. Peace, jerks.
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2005-06-03 at 12:30 p.m.