to be continued

I remember a summer when I was into electronic music a lot. Everyone was. It had just breached the surface of popular music wrapped in bristling swaths of guitar in the form of bands pressing heavy on the synths or techno groups unabashedly throwing heavy major chord guitar strums next to the marching beats from drum machines. For a while, there was a midpoint before it cannibalized itself. I'm just trying to explain what the hell I was doing with what would be currently called terrible music playing in my car. I was 16. We made a lot of mistakes then.

So: I remember a certain night where the summer air was circulating through the rolled-down windows of my car and I felt as if I should be a blade of a fan, whipping through the night with the smell of cut lawns leaving as I left the suburbs, soon the tired asphalt smell of the highway, soon the more turgid and textured smells of the city as I arrived. The traffic lights were bleary, scattered beacons on my windshield as it started to rain.

2009-09-02 at 5:37 p.m.