
"Watch the weather change..." -Tool, from the somewhat pretentious album "Lateralus".

I'm about to weave my way through the night and arrive at a friend's home to see another friend from Italy. It'll be nice, although the time division leaves me a bit sad. I suppose I'll have a few Caprioscas (read: drink, not an esoteric drug) and hang out a bit. Tomorrow, it's me and my friend from Italy, and we're unbridled to roam all around Denver. Who knows what we'll do. I'm sure it'll be nice.

Today, while driving with my cohort Amanda, the rain started pouring down aggressivly while the sun was still shining. Through the downpour, you could make out the stream rolling off of the streets that, five minutes before, had been basking in 80+ degree sunlight. We stepped into a friend's home to drop off some mail, had a small bit of idle chitchat with the tenants, and by the time we left the house (which was roughly 5 minutes), the weather was completely sunny again. I love Colorado.

I also love this state for the evenings it's been giving me recently. The air lingers between the night like something hesistant, and I love it. Last night I played guitar over the overpass. No one stopped to throw change, but I did get to see (yes) another lightning storm. This time to the north. ANd clouds were in the east today. If the world is turning backwards, I suppose it's right on time. Now listening to Underworld. It's been a while.

P.S.: Miss you.


2002-06-16 at 10:03 p.m.