
KMFDM/16Volt/Pig/Kidney Thieves show:

Rad. It's been a while since I've leathered up and gone rock, but last night was awesome. Getting to the venue, Kidney Thieves could be heard blaring away inside. I eventually wormed my way into the pit and stood virtually front and center while Free just rocked. I met her after the show and chatted a bit, and she's very, very nice.

16 Volt reminded me why I HATE THEM.

KMFDM and Pig were very good, playing a lot of things off of Nihil. Interesting, yo. In the meantime, after the show, cohorts and I went to the KMFDM afterparty at the Onyx club, which was nice - saw a few friends there.

More importantly, I got a tip today at the restaurant for "being cute" from a girl. Wow. Handed cash for being cute. heh. It made MY day; call me superficial. And then die.

I had other things to say, but I really can't remember for the life of me what they were.



2002-07-02 at 10:34 p.m.