Tapestry, etc.

The 3:58 moment in the Doves "Pounding" makes me wonder how the capacity for an individual to make beautiful music can ever be eclipsed by what some critics call "progress". How can you encapsulate human emotion to a degree that it becomes entirely predictable?

I feel that the answer is never, and if the proof be through poetry, music, whatever, I just hope it keeps proving that point.

I went for margaritas with a girl tonight and I still find myself surrounded by beauty. Some may question how that is, but I myself would rather play by ear; this life has much more, much more to offer than simple moments. The tapestry that it weaves through human experience is something that the best tailor in the world cannot replicate. Maybe I can see this at points. That is all I want.

2002-09-27 at 11:04 p.m.