aesthetics, lists, almost late for class!

It's 12:30 and 30 more minutes until my Aesthetical Theory class. The guy who teaches it is somewhat like Mr. Rogers. Really friendly. Also, can anyone tell me if Mr. Rogers is dead or not? I'm getting a variety of answers, but none are confirmed.

My other courses, since you'd love to know, are:

1. Physics. Yeah, that's a whole heap of trouble and horror, but even though my english major part of me twitches in revulsion while I sit through this class, the professor is very visual. I think I'll do OK.

2. Advanced Fiction Workshop: The professor makes me nervous. She stammers sometimes, and at certain moments is not the best at finishing her sentences. It makes me want to cheer for her when she gives the class directions. But she's also supernice.

3. Advanced Poetry: The woman who teaches this is also rad. She wants the class to start meeting at her house. heh. I always get such a charge out of hearing other student's poetry. When you get a really good collection of poems, it's really quite hip.

4. Word and Image: It's a writing course and the woman, who is sort of goofy and slightly clumsy in her physical actions, brought her dog to class the first day and asked if we minded. No. No, I didn't. That's actually what cemented my enrollment in the class. heh. Because Everybody Loves Dogs, except those that don't. And those people should be destroyed.

Cats. ...ugh.

Please pause for a moment and reflect: are there any actions that you could be doing to further feminism in your area? If you're still subscribing to the dusty, outdated notion that feminism consists of killing men and not shaving, you're part of what sometimes seems like 110% of the population. Yeah, it seems like a losing battle (it's certainly uphill), but any gesture at all can help, after all.

I think I have time for a rant before my class starts.

Considering that two of my classes are centered around "aesthetics", which is loosely identified as "the study of what is beautiful", I'm waiting to see what happens when we get to the subject of body image. It's always been something that is interesting to me, and I think that it's important not to forget the amount of advertising and imagery that is constantly thrown at women concerning what is beautiful, what is not. Yes, yes, men are starting to get the brunt of it, too, but it's been going on with women for years>. Today I was sitting in the UMC, enjoying my slice of Nothing since I'm currently broke, and I was sharing the table with an old woman. Across from us, two girls were giggling and changing out of jackets and sweaters. For a moment, one girl's pale back was exposed, the twin hooks of her bra strap showing, and I saw the old woman look at her and wondered what it must be like for her, this young sexuality tromping around campus all the time, girls flirting, trading stories, and all of this almost always. I wonder what I'll see youth as when I'm an old man, too. I wonder if the woman is bothered by it. To be an older person in a sea of students must be an almost consistent reminder of one's age. I always admire those folks who aren't afraid to juant back to college, though. It's admirable and I hope that I'm still studying SOMETHING when I'm older. Because it's Never Too Late To Stop Learning.

I think I just turned into a commercial.

Anyway: when a girl's reflection slides past her as she walks by a mirror, I would love it if she didn't see small parts of her that needed to be something else. There's even a big problem with that verb, to "need" to change something. For what? Why? If a guy is going to like you for your breast size and not the way you laugh or the way that you tap out a sort of morse code with your toes when you're nervous, then that guy is generally Bad News. It seems that there's a lot of 'em on this campus, at times. But see, this is all so general and run-of-the-mill and basic - it's hardly some rad epiphany or a society-altering diatribe. It's just a tiny journal entry from a boy who sometimes is frustrated with the state of uneducation regarding feminism. It's not like learning music scales or mathematics: it directly affects people. Really, one of the sexiest things is self-empowerment and confidence. It's been a while since I've made a Sexy List. I'll do that now!

Jared's 2003 Sexy List: Because You Care!

1. Intelligence: Still paramount, this might be why I tend to gravitate towards the more "nerd" sort of girls. And by "gravitate", I mean "become wildly attracted to them at first glance and become a total geek". Also included in Intelligence: Confidence, etc.

2. Brown Eyes: This is actually converse to the previous entry, because there's nothing complex about it. heh. I'm just a total sucker for them. I always have been.

3. What sorority they belong to: Because Alpha Phi Beta is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

4. OK, #3 was a dirty lie.

5. Those jackets with the fur lining. It says "sexy" and "rock star" in one fuzzy statement.

6. I guess I could file this under "intelligence", too, but girls who can write well. Girls who like to read. I love that.

7. I like the smell that girls always have, as every girl smells good. I guess it's some unsaid rule.

8. Girls that don't use a lot of make-up. Too much makeup makes them look sort of creepy, like they're fake. It's sort of a turn-off when someone's wearing so much make-up that you could trap small animals in it.

9. Oh yeah. GUYS.

heh. I have to get to class. Maybe I'll finish this later. And maybe I'll also get a FLYING CAR, too.

aesthetically negative, vertically challanged,


2003-01-17 at 12:27 p.m.