poems, pictures, and media extravaganza!

"Where's your good fire, baby?" -Kidney Thieves, "Glitter Girl", one of the most rockingest rock rock songs. Ever. Rock.

Well, it's a whole heaping load of bitterness lately. Perhaps it was the weather, but I'd hate to think that I was at the mercy of it that much. Anyway, we had a grey cloud cover and it made me float around campus, listen to Sigur Ros, and silently add up all of the things that I'm sad about. It was surprising, because I'm normally Johnny Optimistic. I'm drinking cold coffee and listening to loud music now, and I couldn't sleep from the hours of 2 to 6 last night. It's interesting, how certain issues will wrestle for your head and not even let you dream. However, seeing that Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm eyeing the beams in my basement to perhaps HANG MYSELF FROM, I instead have produced some polar opposite poetry. Before, it was love poems. Well, they're getting a bit tired since they have to jog quite a ways until they find a target, so I present to you: Jared's Bitter Poems, Volume I.

The background: for poetry class, people wrote a random line on a piece of paper and we put them in a hat, drawing one out and having to write a poem using that random snip of words as the first line. We had five minutes. I was in a bad mood. Hark:


An elementary element, my dear Hydrogen

Filed next to the most flexible, ambidextrious

Mess called heartache

Which exists in solid, liquid, plasma, gas

Four functioning forms to kick your ass.

I just fucking sucked it in today like

Air, no reason, �tis the season to

Overdose or take a cozy bath

With a toaster, or maybe mostly

1 part peach juice, 13 parts bleach,

or Kellog�s Bowl Full Of Bullets,

some certain millimeter, please, Or shoulder

shrug, lug around my wailing

high school boy who beats on my back

since I broke all his toys

in turn, he forces me to write poor poetry

using similes for �rain� 3 times per verse

this perverted table of repitition, oxygen,

and now wonder I hate science,

it can�t be coincidence that I�m in physics

this semester. Half-life, half-wit, halfway home,

oh hell.

Carbon: the only kind of dating going on.


Carnival Ride!

Vomit slung down the side like a

Sentimental soup of sappy poetry.

Hinges rusted up, lights flickered dim,

Hydraulics missing their pnuematic hissing

Couples kissing, and my carnival game

Dart aimed too far apart from

The target, so I win nothing but the

Empty air that hides between the rides

Shut down and silent and I meant to

Confide some sort of truth to you

In-between a copper tilt-o-whirl or

The semi-circle of a railing

Tracing balancing bracing ticket-like


But everyone�s already fallen in love

So I zip up the clown outfit and

Churn together rubbery animals, ballooned and

Blowing up too soon.


and the most insane opening line ever:

Force-fed spider stew

Stains spoken salience

Water, water everywhere

Salience, you fool! Of my masked

Salience will assail you! Sailing through

This herd o�verbs, my mind capsized

And trying to unpry from the frothing

Mass of girl-flavored ocean: Charybdis

Has nothing on this, I insist

That missing you is so simple, so steeped

And saturated in this place that I

Created, Captain Jared of the good ship

Freudian Slip � I said too much but

I always do when with you, hurriedly

Stuttering out a stream of adjectives for

You to lie over a puddle so you may

Balance a delicate foot on the phrase

�You have beautiful eyes�, before spryly

stepping into our cab. But the fact still stands:

and I wonder if you ever look back to a mud-caked

profession of you � �cause it�s true. You cell

phone rings, and I watch the passing of buildings

thinking of how I should have made my poem

find I home in the rad word 3 poems ago:

Gravitron 5000.


"If drinking coffee is your idea of Really Cool,

you can't expect that crazy chick to notice you." -Rufus Wainwright, "cigarettes and chocolate milk".

Guilty as charged, Mr. Wainwright! Oh, boy.

So you want pictures, do you? Fine! More in this INCREDIBLY LARGE UPDATE:

That was RED BARON night, when Justin and I were playing cards.

And a flyer, made by Justin, for the coolest party this Friday:

IT'S HORRIBLE! And great.

"Who doesn't want to be rocket-man?" -Justin, just now.

And boy, is that the truth. OK, here's another poem using the "random first line" bit. It's not bitter. Sorry.

Ax heads hanging off the tops of capitalized letters, like the letter �T�, for example:

Ample blades marmelading the toast of torture,

The vapid way a poem can stare

You down until your down beneath

A swirling mound of howling nouns.

�Doctor, I�ve been severed by a stray

�S�� � she said softly � so sensual,

and striped me of skin, flayed, I

lay naked and wondering why I

could be tried for the murder of one

simple sentence, so since this

new sharpness was assigned to them

letters, I shave in the morning with

a lonesome edge of an �R�, cut my

bread with the long-necked back of an �L�

and thread pasta with the tri-forked

isolated �E� � my relationship with letters

often helpful, sometimes deadly.


I can't think of anything else that you all could possibly want from me. So I'll end this fellow here. XOXO.

touching tiny tensions,


2003-01-30 at 1:34 p.m.