blorrr. For reals.

The weather is amazing. I didn't even wear a coat today. While the sun usually does wonders as far as my mood (not that I'm an unhappy individual), I'm hardly optimistic today.

I recieved my physics midterm back this morning, and I failed it. Nothing severe, but a nice, even 50/100. I need to pass this class to graduate. I've never even gotten an F in college before, much less on something with as much gravity as a midterm. We have one more midterm (which seems to complicate the meaning of "mid"term) and then a final. If I do VERY WELL on both of those, then I'll pass the course.

In this lab, there's a big poster of Venice. I can see the portion of the bridge where I was standing. How did I end up here, back in the same struggle? I passed QRMS Math sophmore year - I got a B, even. And now I have to eat this feeling of hopelessness - arrr. I know it's in my capacity to pass. I can get so dejected over things like this, but I need to focus and realize that I can do it. It's going to take a lot of work, but at this point,as a grduating senior in college, I don't have a whole hell of a lot of options, do I?

I stood outside the English department earlier. The Creative Writing board has hoardes of paper saying various things like "Learn how to get your poetry published!" or "careers for english majors!" and so on. We're going to go to war and the economy will be even worse than currently. And that's sinking in. I'm scared to imagine what will happen to me. That could change tomorrow. The physics test score, though, is sort of making my mood a sick shade of gray.

Cat just came up and said "That shirt is really gay."

Dear Diary,

Deliver me from this mortal coil.


your dejected Jared

2003-03-12 at 12:42 p.m.