dorks. You love 'em.

This is a profession of Justin and I's total geek-ness:

JTao500: I've got an addiction.

JTao500: an addiction to BEATZ.

JAZ1218: dean BEATZ Paty.

JTao500: I'm not a fan of vegatables, which is why I don't like BEATZ

JAZ1218: ever try MEATZ?

JTao500: It can't be BEATZ.

JTao500: got hooves for FEETZ.

JAZ1218: Ya staind mah SHEETZ.

JTao500: I like poets like John KEATZ

JAZ1218: all line up and take your SEATZ.

JAZ1218: you're starin in the face of DEFEATZ.

JAZ1218: and listnen to the STREETZ.

JTao500: Justin likes to go to group MEETZ.

JTao500: I sure wish I had some EATZ.

JAZ1218: if you slip, wear some CLEATZ.

JTao500: Some squadrons fly in FLEETZ.

JAZ1218: joke: jared's one of the ATHLETEZ.

JAZ1218: he don't win, he CHEATZ.

JTao500: Justin's far too NEATZ.

JAZ1218: he lives with DEADBEATZ.

JTao500: Maybe if he didn't go to the School of LEEDZ

JAZ1218: he schools with the ELITEZ.

JTao500: Justin likes his chicken grilled MISKEETZ

JAZ1218: and always saves his RECIEPTZ.

JTao500: to make himself financially COMPLETEZ.

JAZ1218: Wanna eat later, i got some pizza we can REHEATZ.

JTao500: I hope this snow don't turn to SLEATZ

JTao500: damn, this music loop lacks samples, so it's INCOMPLETEZ.

JAZ1218: it'd be like the sky started to EXCRETEZ.

JTao500: Did you ever watch Pete & PETEZ?

JAZ1218: No. I played outsided...untill i got CLUBFEETZ.

JTao500: when a frog is scared, it LEAPZ.

JAZ1218: throw the explosive cell phone if it BEEPZ.


Thank you. Goodnight.


2003-03-20 at 10:34 a.m.