Surveys and Sigur Ros.

Listening to: Sigur Ros, "Sven-g-Englar"

This song reminds me of sitting in my car on hot summer nights. It's the basic "single" of theirs that caught the public's eye, or at least in Iceland. Considering that summer is creeping up, it still gives me pinpricks of expectation. I'm such a summer person. Summer and love go together so well. I suppose that's why there's songs like "summer loving". Winter loving has a darker romance to it, as well as prime cuddling oppertunities under layers and layers while snow pounds outside, but summer... heh, I'll get carried away. These last few entries have been centered on love and crushes and such and you all may be sick of it - I suppose I can only write so many entries about spooning until you all feel like two lollipops have been shoved in your eyesockets and the sugar is going directly to your brain. And with THAT attractive metaphor, let's answer a survey! And by "let's", I mean me.

what's on your nightstand?

Well, I've got an awful lot of space in here to place things on, including two bookshelves that serve as my nightstand. On one is my cell phone charger, a little penguin, a SUPER HAPPY LUCKY CAT from Japan, and a framed picture of play practice from Italy. On my other one is my alarm clock, my arched lamp, and a glass.

what's the geekiest part of your music collection?

I'd have to say that I'm a huge fan of Richard Marx, although I also have The Proclaimers.

what do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?

I don't. It's upstairs. But I guess I'd have cereal.

what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

Requiem For A Dream, but not "weeping" like "I'm very sad", but more like "horror and disgust".

if you could have cosmetic surgery, what would you have done?

Three extra sets of kneecaps.

do you have a completely irrational fear?

Nope. All of my fears are pretty rational, like getting dissolved in a giant vat of acid while clowns laugh at me, or getting stalked by Christopher Walken.

what is the little, physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

I bite my nails like it's my job. I'm also prone to screaming.

do you ever have to beg?

Only for cocaine.

do you know anyone famous?

Yes. All the girls I know are famous because they're so hot. I also know a girl on Law and Order and I know my brother, who isn't famous yet but will be.

describe your bed:


spontaneous or planned?

It's a bit of both. I can very spontanous but if I've made plans I'm very severe about being punctual.

who should play you in a movie about your life?

They already did, when they called it "High Fidelity".

do you know how to play poker?

heh. No, not really.

what do you carry with you at all times?

A pen, actually. How writer-esque.

how do you drive?

I drive pretty well, sometimes a bit too defensively but at times, quite aggressive, but only in situations like if terrorists are firing shoulder-mounted missles at me from rooftops and I have hostages.

what do you miss most about being little?

Uh... is this a trick question? I'm 5'6.

are you happy with your given name?

Actually, yeah, I love it. As long as we're talking about first names.

how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year?

Name a price!

what color is your bedroom?

White, like me.

what was the last song you were listening to?

Sigur Ros - "Olsen Olsen"

have you ever been in a school play?

heh. Yeah. I was Elf #3 in one and then I was both Guard #2 and the Munchkin King in The Wizard of Oz. Hmm. I dunno, I think my movie career might have me cast in the ol' short roles. heh.

have you ever truly been in love?

Absolutely. A few times. I'm fortunate.

do you have too many love interests?

heh, sometimes I think so. But better some than none at all. Life's too short, dig?

do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

Yep, I do.

have you ever done any illegal drugs?

Yes. I smoke pot rarely, and once in my madcap youth I did ecstasy, which was a blast but I have no problem saying that it was the only time I'll do it. And that's the hardest drug I'll ever do.

do you think you're cute?

People tell me so. heh. I don't think I'm ugly. But when you're friends with the guys that I hang around with, you tend to be overshadowed. heh. Stupid handsome guys.

do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a total jerk.

And I guess that's the end of that. I wasn't nearly as rivited by the survey as I thought I'd be. Hm. Godspeed.


PS: When Boredom Attacks Pt. 1:

2003-04-08 at 9:21 p.m.