Poetics and phloametics.

Yeah, I've been updating like mad.

I just wrote a hoarde of poetry that I'll be reading, as I'm a featured reader this Friday!

Uh, but I won't be there.

See, a family thing came up, so I'll be home in Aurora instead of actually attending the reading, so I'll be recording myself on CD for the greater good of the reading. I'm almost thinking of putting a paper cutout of myself on the podium. That would be rad.

I'll be recording me reading this afternoon, and then delivering the CD hopefully tonight, when I go see Nathaniel Mackey read. He's supposed to be ultra-rad, so I'm excited. After that, hey, I'm going home. It'll be nice to see the folks and the brother and my dead dog. I wish you all the best, and the best weekend. Ever. I can virtually promise it for some of you! Why? Because I'm all clairvoyant like that, doggs. Peace.


2003-04-10 at 1:23 p.m.