won't you be my neighbor?

This entry is to promote the idea that I'm so fortunate to have the friends that I do. Oops, wait:

Now Playing: Sigur Ros "Vidrar Vel Til Loftarsa". After this, it's Jeff Buckley and then Swervedriver. That's right: It's a playlist.

Tonight I went out and had some beer with some friends of mine. Nate, Dave, Jason, and Levi. A brief history:

Nate: Nate's really become a good friend of mine in the past semester or so. Just a really positive guy and very funny. I also identify with him in how we act in relationships, and I find him to just be a rad fellow through and through.

Levi: Levi and I have had class together for years. He's an incredible writer and also an incredible person. I have never felt the need for someone to have a girlfriend more than him.

Dave: Dave and I worked at Jamba together and in one of our first conversations he asked "do you like a band called Sigur Ros?". Friends since then, and he's just fucking awesome, and a great artist, too.

Jason: Friend o' Dave and Friend o' mine, Jason has great music taste and a very inviting personality that is actually quite hard to describe. I can't mimic him because he's just one of the most unique people that I've met. Jason rules.

So we all just hung out and had a discussion on gender, sexuality, gender roles, etc. And, of course, the regular jackassery that you can expect from us. heh. It was excellent, especially since this has already been sort of a long week. And outside of these fine gentlemen, there's other people just all over the place whom I have just a huge level of love for, and not only people with a history with me but also people that I'm just meeting. I may fail physics but at least I have great friends. And you all know who you are. Thanks.

can you still feel the butterflies,


Oh yes, a poem. Norlin Steps:

Eyes flicker back in response

A semi-seismic telegraph

Invisible flickering symbols, one

Pure strand of quivering something,

Shivering, delivering threefourfive

Lines of invitation, somehow some Sensation like warmth but more

intimate, This isn�t what I considered it to be

Skin but just as blushed, steeped in a

deep red hue Unfolding unfurling like ink in water

Curling black and red tendrils

Tiny tensions this isn�t divine

Intervention but simple ascension of a smile,

A sly inviting style: this while

The cold curls close like a cat�s casual stance �

But by chance, by circumstance,

You make me wonder things. And they

evaporate and Thread themselves through the tops of the trees.

--- Yeah, it's about you, but was written months ago.

2003-04-09 at 10:09 p.m.