college graduation.

Tonight is something else. I can't place it. I drove home in the snow and it looked like a nebula unfolding against my high beams. I listened to Bjork echo from my car into the neighborhood while I stood outside and watched the snow(!) fall. The way this weather is, you may never know when it'll snow again for a while.

There's something right now - tension and stillness. It's like a perfectly-stretched muscle. Underline: perfect. And I haven't the slightest why. There is no why but rather, it just is.

Today was a slew of graduation parties and old friends. Seeing my two friends Levi and Math graduate with highest honors made me proud, and also somewhat humbled by the level of friends that I'm so fortunate to have.

Long-distance, too, there are reverberations of love all over the place. Mister Kriq, thank you for the very rad "after college" letter. It was good advice and actually sort of moving.

Adriana - The bracelet! I have it now. It's a great feeling to remember you every time I look down at my wrist. And the bracelet is still there.

Penney - You're such a great person. I need to call you, and write you, and basically get in rouch with a girl who has so much going on but still says hello once in a while. Sometimes, I think you treat me nicer than I deserve.

And I graduated college today, too. But seeing my friends and recognizing all of this is much more poingiant than a ceremony.



2003-05-10 at 12:30 a.m.