I have seven days to live. Sweet.

"Home is where the heart is... on the bus." -Glassjaw, "Cavalcade"

Why not be straight-edge? It would save me money, and I'd most likely get my old body back.

heh, that sounds like I have it in the trunk of my car, or as if it were stolen by aliens.

Thus begins, tomorrow, my substance-free life. The gym is renewed and so are a number of other things. I don't have a job so what other pasttime to partake in than making my body carved out of wood? It sounds vain to type it, I suppose, but I'm lucky enough to have the body type that will show results very quickly, with dicipline and a good diet. As I type this, I can feel the small back muscles that help negotiate forearm/wrist/hand control, and it hurts, and it's great. Working out sends a deep burn to parts of your body that you might not have known you had at all.

Now Playing: Hum's album "Downward is Heavenward". It reminds me of biking back to my apartment in the warmth of summer after standing on top of the observatory and finding Saturn.

Today I ran into an old friend at the grocery store. She always had a collection of health problems so we swapped medication stories of sorts. Nice to see her, although I sense rocky roads for her ahead. And her job? She lends her voice FOR CARTOONS. How awesome of a job for a college student is that?!

Ah, jobs. Don't get me started. Then again, I haven't started much myself as far as jobs go. Stupid employment.

Regardless, I feel good. Sometimes I feel like a TV channel on volume level 3 but I can work through the static and broadcast.

On another note, I just watched The Ring tonight. Adios, suckers!

7 more days to work out,


2003-06-24 at 10:45 p.m.