Here there be tygers.

Since I've been up since 4:30 in the morning, I suppose there's no better time then to take this moment and inform you all that I have mad skillz. For the reals, and I'd like to give a shout out to my home-doggs in 303 and 720.

...I think I'm losing my mind. I SHOULD GO TO BED but there's another dark, evil, cackling part of me that wants to make me violently lethargic and impossibly irresponsive for the rest of the day. No sleep is hip, though. I'm only recently getting introduced to it. Why wasn't I doing this in college, when a person is supposed to do it?

No, I should really go to bed. Honestly. After entries like this, I'm sure some of you wonder why you read it at all. Don't worry. My next entry will be very beautiful and poetic and on and on.



2003-06-26 at 6:23 a.m.