the horror, pt. 2.

"Good words won't cover ugly actions.

Good frames won't save ugly art." -Refused, "New Noise".

Refused is such a rad, rad band. Hardcore swedish anticapitalist rock, anyone? And yet, I heard this song this morning: A cover of "New Noise", by CRAZY TOWN.


It's the worst thing I've ever heard. Blarhg.

On the other hand, I've made the Perfect Cup of Coffee this morning. Well, to be honest, it's my second. OK, second mug of coffee. I can quit whenever I want. I don't have a problem.

Today I'm also going to test those change-to-dollar converters at King Soopers. I have a huge box of change here and an empty wallet. Perhaps I'll even buy a scratch ticket. This just in, also: My cohort Brian won 100 DOLLARS on a powerball ticket two days ago. Luck is in the air.

Actually, I really think it is.


2003-06-28 at 2:33 p.m.