"she left for someone all of a sudden."

After taking another online test:

"Falling in love is a spiritual experience for you. A truly loving relationship helps bring meaning to your life. You try hard to make your date feel comfortable and have a good time. You're good at anticipating what other people need and giving it to them. But inside, you're usually on an emotional roller coaster. You don't want to reject nice women, but also take it very personally if you're the one rejected. You're constantly trying to find the "rules" for successful dating but often find they don't work."

That's about right.

And for my match:

"You're looking for a woman who brings a real passion to her life. She's a woman with great integrity, who'll stand up and fight for causes she believes in. She'll offer you the same type of devotion and passion. She's shy and a little hard to get to know. But she's worth the effort! One-on-one, you'll find a very warm and understanding woman. Getting close to her will be like awakening a hidden princess! Like most women, she's not afraid of her emotions. In fact, the two of you will probably share an immediate, passionate "spark." Together you could find a very deep and lasting emotional connection."

Aside from the slightly silly "hidden princess" remark, that's quite solid.

Off to the ol' pub for a beer with Nate!



2003-07-29 at 9:14 p.m.