latent updates.

I have only 10 minutes before I have to take off for my last week of class, but coffee is fueling the fingertips, so I'll try to sum up things recently.

First off, happy birthday to me. July 31st, and every single person who didn't personally come to my door to wish me a happy birthday with a giant, shiny, expensive gift has been promptly scratched off from my "friends" list that I keep rolled up in my closet on a giagantic spool. OK, it's not very giagantic. OK, there's only a few names. Yeah, a few are made up.

Last night I took a walk through campus, partially with Nate and partially by myself. There's certain locations that just resonate memories. It's interesting to see how places influence memory, and of course, more of them were more reflective of girls than acadamia. Less "Oh, there's where I took one of the best tests of my life and more "I used to walk her here after our class."

I saw a bideo of my parents partying for my father's 40th birthday party, and I've never seen my face more in someone else then in that video. I just hope I'm as good-looking at 40 as my dad was.

I had a dream last night where one of my classes was down a river on a bank, and I had to take a small boat down to it. It was inside a professor's house and we had to wring the water out of our clothes before going inside. Laura was in the dream! Fun times. Alas, none of my classes are located on the water, or even near remote proximities of water, sans water fountains. But that's where I'm going now. Toodles.

Mr. Jared

2003-08-04 at 12:25 p.m.