I won't let you bury me.

Now Playing: Muse - Absolution

This album is awesome, like a continuation of "Radiohead - The Bends"-era.

So begins my new lifestyle as of the 2nd of January. I have completely stopped smoking and have no withdrawl symptoms or needs to go back. I'm in the process of quitting drinking entirely and now go on runs regularly, eat as healthily as a Wild Oats Poster Child, and shall soon be lifting weights again. Good things are moving behind the scenes, people - it just takes time for it to come about.

Everyone with my friend Laura good luck with her au pair job yonder, OK?

I take runs with my NEW PUPPY, by the way. I know it was mentioned that we "got a dog" but the breed and such was undecided. It's 75 percent australian sheepdog and 25 springer spaniel. When I first saw him, he was on the losing end of a literal dogpile, and still loves playing with dogs. He's the sweetest dog, doesn't bark, is calm and timid at times, and has a long nose that, I feel, is destined to prod into my face in the mornings to wake me up in the future. heh. He's 4 months old, and he doesn't seem too much like a puppy because he's darn smart, except when he tries to go up or down stairs, because then his legs become a clumsy jumble of limbs. He'll get it. And then he will Rock.

He's also different from my old dog, KC. RIP, girl. You were awesome and fit this family perfectly. That's why I like that this new dog is different - I wouldn't want to make comparisons. KC was a people-dog. This dog won't find the rooms with the most people in them. heh.

At least, not yet. Fear not, brave readers. I'll have pictures soon.

Does anyone have any hosting space I can have? My old university space expires soon, since I'm not a student anymore, and geocities doesn't allow linking pictures from the main site. I guess you get what you pay for. Drop me a line. And if you're a fan of The Bends, go pick up the new Muse, too.



2004-01-13 at 8:37 p.m.