My name is Jared. Yours may be as well.

OK, you godless heathens and sexy sirens. I'm going to write more things in this electronic journal and you're going to read it, because you have nothing better to do than visit my site, apparently, and I have nothing better to do than - no, I DO have better things to do. It's just that this is a labor of love. Love for you.

I'm going to drop 20 pounds. No, 10, but also get muscle at the same time. I'm sick of my body right now and apparently no one else wants it either (THIS IS A CLEVER WAY TO SAY THAT I AM SINGLE) so that's that.

I'm at the library because my internet connection has passed on... for now. Which, by proxy, will make it a zombie internet connection when it comes back up.

why is a female lead singer of a rock band so wonderful? Talk about feminism. Never has there been a better position to flaunt female power in a typically male-dominated genre, not to mention utilizing their natural sensuality to become such dynamite on state: and yet if they were to be passive and coy as Merry Olde Victorian Morals suggested they be, it becomes a fragile beauty that you should feel almost overprivledged to listen to or be a part of (like singer/songwriter's softer songs, or especially Cat Power, who typically is so shy that she sings with her back to the audience but who has a wavering sort of grace), OR if they were to rock, as it were, "balls-out", the rockingness is almost multiplied because of them shattering their little stereotypes with every shriek, leap, or from time to time a timed pelvic thrust to the bend of a guitar solo (I'm looking at YOU, Free Dominguiz of Kidney Thieves. God, I got goosebumps when you did that). Female empowerment? With good female-fronted groups, it doesn't even speak for that anymore. The empowerment has been done - they're just flexing now, and for us combined feminists/musical elitists, it's just, god, better than a back massage by Bjork.

Reading this, people would think that I was a big sissy if it weren't for my black leather pants, spiked bracelets, and occasional hobo death festival 5000. Toodles.

super happy lucky Jared.

2004-01-06 at 6:19 p.m.