cyclical, maybe.

Underneath a slender slab of the side panel of an anchient wine husk pushed deep into soil by working hands lead a crooked cobblestone path to panels of weathered windows of glass

The rain hammered deep into the dirt and drowned itself in our skin, our hair

The time well it was timeless, a watch a useless jumble of digits like my hands sometimes when trying to play the guitar

and the big hand and the small hand, that was us, you know

We walked under wind and vines until we arrived at the alcove, the enclosure where earth had taken her time and cradled seeped and grown along in an arch and that housed us

I felt for where the dirt was softer and fresh, musk underneath my fingernails, and dug

pushing deep into dirt my fingers carved contrails of passage until they slid against the side of the box and I pulled it up to us

opening it, I looked at you and said this is my courage, you know, it's right here but I keep it safe from harm

the sun had dissolved into a red line that capped the horison like that one moment before your drink overflows, the thin dome of fluid hesistant

you later would link this to better times and the memory would cling to your legs as you strode inside your new apartment years later

oh but I need you so much closer.

I always needed you so much closer.

I can turn in on myself quietly miles away hesistant like the thin dome of liquid, and I will pick up the phone and dial your number with my useless jumble of digits when I finally overflow and you will gently place me back, I know you will.

2003-12-28 at 3:04 p.m.