my angry friend. angry.

Aww, someone's angry.

apothec143: you know what pisses me off, Jared? the fucking girl scouts.

apothec143: they sell you these shitty cookies.. it used to be that the little girl would come to your door and ask you to buy some cookies. you'd have to, because if you didn't everybody in the neighborhood would find out that you're the monster asshole that won't buy girl scout cookies, because the mother of the girl would tell them.

apothec143: so you're forced to buy the cookies. fine. support the little girls, whatever.

apothec143: then in a few months, when you've long forgotten about the money you wasted on the cookies in teh first place, you get a nice little surprise, because a little girl in a uniform shows up with a box of cookies for you.

apothec143: well that's all changed.

apothec143: now- you may or may not get the little girl at the door trying to sell you the cookies. more than likely you get the little girl's mother calling you on the phone because she got your number out of the neighborhood directory, and she wants you to buy cookies to support her daughter's troop.

apothec143: you can't say no- for the same reason as before.

apothec143: so you buy the damn cookies.

apothec143: then several months later, once again, you're supposed to get the cookies. only now that part of it has all changed.

apothec143: you don't get the kid at the door delivering the cookies.

apothec143: for fuck's sake- the same damn mother of the girl calls you on the phone and tells you that she's got your cookies. they don't deliver them- you're expected to drive over there and get the over-priced shitty cookies on your own.

apothec143: the original middle man- the girlscout herself, has been completely eliminated from this process.

apothec143: now a few minutes ago i got a call from some lady i don't know telling me she has my cookies.

apothec143: i wanted to tell her "bitch, you have my number, you have my address, bring me the goddamn cookies."

apothec143: but of course i can't do that, because then i'd be the bad guy that hates the girl scouts and hates little girls and won't buy their godamn cookies.


apothec143: the world is going to hell, Jared, and it's starting with the fucking girl scouts.

apothec143: ... and those godamn cookies.

apothec143: just thought i'd give you a little social commentary. anyways, later.


Johnathan has a lot of uncontrolled anger in him, which is partially why he is prone to fits of testosterone-fueled rage, breaking anything around him. This from the same man that loves romantic comedies.

You've got some issues, Johnathan. We need to talk.

Also, nothing touches Samoas or Tagalongs, you fucking nazi.


2004-02-10 at 4:19 p.m.