Kate Kate Kate!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Kate-Homage entry!

Kate is a girl who I met at my last semester of college. We started out our friendship with Kate being far too attractive to talk to me (I thought at the time). What would a beautiful girl like Kate do with a short fellow who, on occasion, wore leather pants that made him look like a frequent gay raver?

Upon a jutly developed friendship, I found out a few things about Kate.

1. She has an amazing heart with more than enough room for romance. I've met some people who've called themselves romantics. Kate puts them to shame.

2. Kate is a hell of an artist. In one of her paintings, the languid laces of a corset were curling away from a female's body and I felt like I could have reached out and entwined it between my fingers. Walking into her apartment was like walking head-on into an entire art gallery compressed into one room. More color than a flower field and more skill than anything I could certainly do. For that matter, what much of the CU art school could do.

3. Kate is a babe. If you inquire about this with her, she may deny it. Kate's awesome, but in this matter she's going to have to accept that she's wrong. She has eyes that actually smile when she smiles, and that's a quality that not everyone has. While we're on the subject of smiles, Kate has one of the most honest and warm smiles I've seen. It practically draws you to her from across the room. On top of the classic "eyes" and "smile" comments, Kate is also very, very attractive. There is no argueing this.

4. Kate is, frequently, completely too nice to me. She makes me blush even when I'm a hundred miles away. It's one thing to have someone tell you that you're good at something, but it's better when someone who's really good herself at painting, writing, and general expression tells you, as well. Thanks for making me feel rad. Hopefully this entry will do the same for you.

job tomorrow,

Mr. Jared

2004-02-16 at 12:24 a.m.