The Passion of the Jared

"This life is made up of lonely moments." -Syntax, "destiny"

Aside from a job, life continues to cycle as expected, which is sort of frustrating. I'll be getting a gym membership soon, which is right down the way from my job. That's a good thing - I have to get all good and sexy before I go to SPRING BREAK IN MIAMI WOOOOOOOO!@#!@$@!%

Rather, just to feel better about myself. Self-esteem is huge, and I have a few friends who've leapt the hurdle already. That's empowering to even know those folks. I miss how my body used to be. I'll get it back, especially since I have my dad's genetics in me. He did the Ironman when he was 50, for god's sake.

I've always sort of (after getting into shape) had the swimmer's build, although my dad is more bulk. I want a balance of the two.

Danielle is my new e-friend and we're going to get e-married.

I saw the Passion of the Christ today. ...with my parents. Hey, free movie, but it made for a generally awkward moment. Especially when they came home and went to their bedroom. And when I got off the phone with Justin and was halfway down the stairs before I heard a CD from our church blaring on the living room speakers.

Look, no, I don't share the same concrete Christian beliefs as my folks, and that's fine, but I don't think it's too much to ask that I avoid conversations with my mother on this sort of thing. I think it's fine for gay people to get married. Sorry, ma. I still love you, but ugh - let's move on.

I have work at 8. Think of it as you roll over in your covers at 9am and decide to sleep for 4 more hours. Punks.

2004-02-26 at 10:34 p.m.