damaged goods. mmm.

Four days ago, I developed a slight swelling on my left ring finger, around the nail. Fast forward to yesterday. The swelling is large and angry, so I decide after work that waiting for the swelling to go down is stupid. I go to the ER, and they proceed to lance it and give me meds and a finger splint. OK. Good.

This morning I wake up and it's even worse, with the swelling heading up my arm. I zip off to the ER, where they drug me and cut off all the dead tissue. Lots of blood, kids! When the needle first went into my finger and injected, my finger ruptured at the end because of all the pressure already inside it. I have to go back to the ER at 10pm and then 6am for more antibiotic IVs. I rarely get sick; this is so strange. Also, this whole thing has taken way too long to type. One hand has a finger brace, the other has the needle for the IV still in it:

The IV unwrapped. All of this makes typing very cumbersome. Rrr.

Raise your ring finger but try to keep your pinky down at the same time. See how it sort of goes along for the ride? Because of this, I can only use my first two fingers and my thumb for things like holding the steering wheel while driving. The result? I feel like I'm doing everything very daintily.



2004-03-04 at 4:42 p.m.