damaged goods, part 2: destruktomatik

i can't ca[itolize anything here without effort since i'm down to one hand. i'm sure you all can still read this well, though.

update from last entry: this morning I went in for my 6am IV and it all looked a lot worse. after some studying of it, the nurses and doctors heavily suggested that i go and get it looked at by a hand specialist. i went in and they decided to do surgery. on my left ring finger, they cut part of it open and took off my nail, which gives me shivers just thinking about. I have my left hand bandaged and can't drop it below my heart or blood will swell the fingertips. I have therapy tomorrow plus an IV tonight at 6 and at midnight, followed by two days of

IVs four times a day. The ER staff knows me by name now. crazy how this all snowballs so suddenly, right? so forgive me if my emails or entries or AIM conversations are cut back. I've gotta get better, people!

all sorts of bent out of shape,

Mr. Jared

2004-03-05 at 3:36 p.m.