coworq, etc.

I was going to chastize my dog for eating my pillow, until I looked over at him and he looked back at me with the eyes that disney animators have been trying to capture ever since the early days o' Cinderella.

I'm listening to the new Appleseed Cast and it's a far cry from their 2-disc sprawl Low Flying Owl. It's a rough "concept" album of a breakup, so I'm going to see if I can go to sleep listening to it and wake up in a glorious shining shrine of my own misery.

Actually, I'm one of the few folks I know who get along with all of my ex's. Well, almost all of them. Yeah, you know who I'm looking at. Melati. Pbsh. I shall now publically discuss our relationship on my digital online journal which is publically available to millions of people on the world wide web internet to read.

Best moments: Well, one would be that strange night where everything was cosmically right (and I say "strange" because it was usually normal when everything was bad and we were screaming at each other before you would knock me out with some brand of Kung Fu for the night - apologies in the morning) where we watched the Sigur Ros video and such. Another was when I had to scurry you out of my place, out the back door, while my parents were at the front. heh. Ah, memorories.

Bad moments: None. I was lying about the screaming at each other part, too. You're so cool. No wonder we broke up, since I'm a goddamn geek.

At the request of uber-co-worker Erin, I shall now write about my job.

I like it and I like the people. I shall comment on them now.

Erin: You were the first person that I shared this journal with and you make me smile. I like your attitude, especially when you have to hang around guys for hours at a time. Sarcastic ones, too, at 4:30am.

Krystl: I'm sorry that I bit you. I really am, especially since it made it into your online diary under the title "violence at the workplace". I won't do it again, especially if it made you feel uncomfortable. heh. I guess it would make most people uncomfortable, but it was an act of violent passion. Plus, I hang out with a bite-friendly crowd. Plus, your plans for life excite me.

Ellie - Hi Ellie, coolest boss I've ever had!@#$

Ben - well, you're leaving, but you're rad and I enjoy your sense of humor. Not that you'll ever read this. Ass.

Liz-biscuit - My parents think that we should date, but you're in high school and I'm 53 years old, but you're still rad. You've got a really honest, great character that is strong in a gentle way, if that makes sense.

April - I swear to god, if either of us isn't sarcastic for one second, then the world will explode. Also, quit smoking.

Anne - Welcome back from London! I want to know you better, but we never work together. That rhymed. Hanging around you is a really positive thing and I want to do it more!

Jacob - You are a magical man, full of magic, which is why I typed that you are a magical man.

Maybe I'll finish the co-workers bit in another entry, as I have things to do, webhosting to buy, songs to write. I'm going to do that right now. Right now.

the night alive tonight

with words I'll never write

but you know

in your bed covers a thousand hours away

you know

2004-04-13 at 8:41 p.m.