that's right. On the moon.

Two good things today, or rather, tonight:

I visited work with the intention of both getting my tips and also showing whomever was working at the time that leather pants are NOT extremely gay and CAN be worn by many a person, myself included.

When I got there, our uber-regular Dale was there and smiled at me right away, since we had recently had a discussion on being "metrosexual". Walking into the store with black leather pants and a grey button-up shirt with slightly disheveled hair sort of shrieks that, apparently. April and Anne were there and approved. Unless they were just being nice and humoring me. Which they may have been.

The two good things, however: 70 bucks in tips. What? Who gets that? *I* do, when I work close to 40 hours that week. The second was Anne telling me that I'm her ideal of a great boyfriend. Why, we're not even dating! What a nice thing to hear from such a babe, though. It warms the deep recesses of my blackened, hopeless heart. I was just about to sell it on e-bay, too.

I've also decided to start a radio show, via online broadbast. A site that you can link to with Winamp and other musical software and hear a stream of music from Yours Truly as well as other things. It's just an idea today, but I'll be getting on it as a hobby that I really want to do. I have webspace for it and will put the address up when it's done. Tell your friends, and tell your pets, too, since I'll be also broadcasting ultra-high frequencies that only animals can hear, of which will subtley make you donate money to me. "donate" because it's for a cause, and that cause is that I may have more money than I currently have.

Then, once the funds have passed 2 billion dollars, I shall make with a grand gesture that will virtually trump all other senseless spending, of which will be spoken of by sages and shamans in mere whispers for years to come.

Moon Party.

2004-04-20 at 9:45 p.m.