open mic photos and other media.

Ryan Adams - Avalanche"

It's been an awfully long time since I've updated so I'll do so, but especially with the prompting of an awesome drunk-dialing by an ex. Normally that's grounds for total devastation of your life, but the longest and most important relationship I've had has had a very good closure - one that allows for such things, which leaves me feeling really nice.

But seriously, let's stop messing around and get to the pictures from the first Open Mic at Starbucks that I organized, even though it was over 6 weeks ago. First off - Thom on the HORN SECTION:

Curious onlookers in what became a substantial crowd:

Who says people aren't enthusiastic about open mic night? The jazz duo, with special guest drummer Adam, who's 13 years old.

Thom (the horn fellow up top) was saying to him "You know, I just play a CD behind my stuff, so don't worry about it. I'm going to play Miles Davis's 'Freedie Freeloader'". Adam says "Oh, I know that." and plays along. Awesome kid.

Resident Nice Guy dup who brought along thirteen thousand teenage girls to see them.

Yours truley. The next one is better, where I got my Bohemian on by getting the bassist and drummer to play along. Good, clean fun.

This is Brad, one half of a duo that now runs their own open mic at what was previous the old open mic's place of employment at Parker and Arapahoe. They come to this one now, as well as host their own the day after. They're good folks.

We've had two more open mics since then, and they've been awesome, and very different from one another. I also had a HOT DATE on Saturday and saw an awesome Cirque Du Soliel show with a babe. Tonight, for no reason at all, I find myself grappling with a nasty bout of depression which has been very, very strong recently, which is No Good. Stronger than it's ever been, if I may venture. I write this not for pity but for the people who hang around me will know what my problem is. heh. G'night, friends.

medicated to the one I love,


2004-06-06 at 9:09 p.m.