Just things.

When Colorado was being eaten up by wildfires, I remember the height of the entire thing: I was at a stoplight and suddenly speckled grey dots started appearing on my windshield - they were the embers and ashes from the fire which was miles away. It was surreal and tends to stay in my mind because of the circumstances.

other moments:

I remember watching the bartender kneel down and flick on a lighter to see if he had any white wine, since Rome had totally blacked out that night. Yeah, the entire city.

Watching the car go off the road when I was 16 years old, and seeing us flip over the driveway. Everyone was OK, but there's still something to be said for landing in someone's front yard.

Seeing women file out in black dresses upon candlelight of a castle, single file.

Seeing the rolling hills of Tuscany while at the top of a building in Italy.

Seeing my brother in a hospital bed, many times.

Watching the front of my finger burst while getting an injection during one of MY first times in a hospital bed.

Holding my first dog while she was bleeding and trying to get her to stay in place while she was in shock. (She ended up being OK).

Watching Trail of Dead rock the hell out in concert, especially the lead singer, soaked in sweat, lean against the crowd to finish his solo while the people supported him and his sweaty strands of hair hung back from him, in a decidedly rockstar moment.

Seeing a crowd of beer bottles on a table as I pass by an empty table at the venue that my improv troupe had just played at, to have some fellow (who wasn't drunk, by the way) take me aside and say "you were the best one".

Crammed into an SUV with me and my drunk friends singing hysterically along to "Take California" by the Jungle Brothers while we crash a party.

Walking out in the morning to my air-conditioned apartment and making a smoothie while trying not to wake Justin in his room, biking to class, and feeling awesome.

Being held by someone who really cares about me.

2004-07-08 at 9:56 p.m.