good things, bad things.

My job position has switched and I'm so happy. I've been distancing myself from sales and have finally disconnected from that, and am moving over to a sort of sales/tech hybrid. Customer service is a must, and I can do that easily, and I get to learn as much as I want about computers. I may get A+ certified, and the job will pay for that.

I have to say, standing in a patch of sunlight that came in through the warehouse window this morning, next to a guy who has his own rap group and is very, very good with computers, and another tech who is a rad guitarist who just had a CD release at the Gothic, while I learn more and more each day, it's not a bad thing at all. I was so close to quitting last Monday but my bosses were in meetings all day and I didn't get the chance to chat with them. To boot, I had a very good day. The next day was rad, too. I had started this by being willing to be cross-trained on another tech's job, and when he walked off the job, I just sort of meshed into it. Now I listen to Sigur Ros at full volume and learn new things every day. Two weeks ago I couldn't do anything - now I can assemble a whole computer and image the drive. This is real knowledge that I can use, and for once my job is paying me in ways that are applicable to the future. I'll learn anything that they're willing to teach me.

Things were very tense at work for a while, but there's something very good happening in the back with all the various departments. We're coming together and I really enjoy a position of leadership there.

Now, the bad news. The old hard drive crashed and I think I got too cocky and tried to fix it and fucked it up instead. I've lost all my songs, all my writing, and all of my albums. I can get some of the music back, but the more personal stuff may be gone forever unless I shell out lots of money for data restoration.

I was in a miserable mood and my girlfriend has to open tomorrow anyway, so I've stayed out of the way of most folk tonight. Maybe it was a good time to ditch all of that stuff and start new. Besides, I still have a lovely woman who loves me, good friends, and my neurotic dog. I don't know - we'll see.

Also, everyone go buy Sigur Ros's new album "Takk". Thanks!


2005-10-14 at 11:35 p.m.