wine and whine.

I don't want to say that drunkedness aproximates my Italy experience; far from it. But right now I'm on glass #2 of red wine and Jeff Buckley's voice is weaving from speakers. The air is being pulled in from the attic fan and I can swear I can smell the faint acrid sting of motorino exhaust (wow, hard to make that sound like a good thing, heh), exported cigarettes, etc. The thing is, with the Jeff Buckley CD and red wine (this brand is actually from Italy, although it doesn't mean it's GREAT, heh, it just means I'd pay 1/3 of the price there), something triggers in my mind and I can't help but be reminded.

It's a combination of chemicals, olfactory and such, because even an italian person could remind me of something as important as 4 months of my life in another country; it's the taste of wine and the music I heard there and possibly the basic longing for it. But I swear it's not a depressed longing - I miss it like old kisses or dates and such, but in a fond way, 'course.

"Broken down and hungry for your love, but no way to feed it." -Mister Jeff Buckley, in one of his finest moments, "Lover, You Should Have Come Over". Thank you, Lori, for introducing me. heh. Remember that mix? The very first one.

Justin is home from Australia!@#

You know, I was thinking of the fact that I have a lot of sides that don't easily blend with each other, so next time let's stereotype me and go into them! In the meantime, I'll quote more Jeff Buckley, since you all love him. I know you do. We have so much in common. We should all hang out some time!

"...but remember when I moved in you, and the holy dove was moving, too, and every breath we drew was hallelujiah?" -Jeff Buckley, of course, and it's incredible how he takes a religious song and makes that lyric sound sexual.


2002-07-16 at 10:42 p.m.