Oh, screw the enviornment.

I think that naked protests (like the kind being done in Sydney and Chili) are just great. What a wonderful idea! heh. I mean, really: getting naked can be fun, and NOW it's political, too! I wonder if that sort of thing would fly in the united states. I'd like to think that I'd throw myself into that, although it would be strange to run into friends.

There's been a lot of talk about these new hybrid cars. You know, that's great to help the enviornment, but if I had one, it would be fueled by a hybrid of diesel fuel and raw cocaine. It would be a giant, hulking mass of a machine, belching roughly 3 tons of exhaust into our fragile enviornment at every red light I would stop at. Look, if we cut down on our CO2 output of cars, then it would balance out! I'd use my truck to run over endangered species.

I guess I'm just not feeling very eco-friendly today. But I'm feeling good enough to GET MY ROCK AND ROLL ON at Glassjaw tonight! Hurrah!



2003-03-02 at 2:04 p.m.