gray skies. Snow. Winter, you tease.

"We shouldn't fight / embrace you tight" -Bjork, from the very excellent chorus of "Unison"

As suddenly as it came, the days of incredible weather are gone, and now we have what is possibly the most miserable weather that I've ever experienced, and what the UK must experience therefore all the time. There's this drizzle that seems to be mixed with rain and the distant threat of snow. Supposedly, we're (Colorado) supposed to get the AssMonger5000 of a blizzard tonight. If only snow days still existed.

My roommate has the pnuemonia of the dead that is circulating around the world. With any luck, he'll die, and then I'll be able to somehow re-animate him and have him serve my evil biddings, or at least eat brains. Excluding mine.

I've started searching for jobs in Italy with a new fever, because of two things:

1. It's possible, yo! The lovely Shannon now has an internship in Naples for the summer. Adriana is there in September.

2. With this war that is lurking, the conomy isn't going to get any better. So I've thought about this Italy juant in three frames of mind:

the first: "Word! None of us are doing anything after college! Lets go live in Italy!

the second: "Uh, we need jobs! Maybe this isn't the most realistic movement."

the third (current): "Oh, screw it. We might as well chase dreams while we're young and in an otherwise unforgiving job market."

I think there's optimism in there. Then again, it's raining and I'm listening to Bjork. heh. Le Sigh.

Now written on my left hand: FIST OF FURY.

Now written on my right hand: DOMINANT HAND.

Courtesy of the supersexy MD board.

I wish all of you well. Let's send mail again.

how beautiful to be,


2003-03-17 at 12:33 p.m.