Oblong of the lightest blue.

Current song, right-click/save-as to download: "Now It's Overhead - A Skeleton On Display

Update: Laura has instructed me to tell all of you what an insanely great song that is above. Again, for the less-than-tech-savvey, just right-click, and select "save target as". Save where desired, listen and enjoy, even though it's one of the most depressing songs to ever exist.

I went to my co-worker Jacob's percussion concert, and it was rad. A certain part just had three people seated in front of three wooden tablets, like a top of a desk. They were mic'd, so you could hear every tap. They proceeded to do a really well-choreographed piece, like drumming on the desk if you had 8 hands and a real sense of rhythm. Really great to watch.

Driving home, watching the traffic lights scroll past like opposite comets, the grind of the road and the residue of frustration kind of dug a kink in me. It's shallow but it's there. I need to fill out my medical benefits package and get on my goddamned drugs, because it's not like I "can't take any more of this"; I certainly can. I just don't want to and I'm getting tired. And I work at 4:30am tomorrow and I'm starting to lose this very lovely vineyard of completion that I had. I'm not breaking down because I'm far from that, and I'm not breaking up since there's no one to do that with, so call it breaking sideways.

skeleton on display

2004-05-18 at 10:12 p.m.